“The restrain of the modifications
of the mind staff is YOGA"
“Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodhana” from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Ch.1-Sutra2"
Yoga is a millennia old system, dated back more than 4,000 years ago , to obtain a happy, healthy and wealthy life, rich in Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity and Abundance.
The term “Yoga” has its roots in the word “Yoke”, meaning to unite, to harmonise, in the case of yoga to fuse the mind, the body and the heart like ONE.
One of the fundamental principles of Yoga is that Body, Mind and Heart are all complementary parts of the self and are intrinsically interconnected, contrary on what it is believed in Western society.
The breath, or Prana, in Yoga is the instrument of bonding between body and mind. Life starts with the first breath and finishes with a last exhalation. The breath bring oxygen to all our internal organs, renewing cells and molecules as well as positivly charging atoms, neutrons, protons and all the micro particles within the body.
Because of this, Prana is the vital fluid, the energy of life that flows all over the body through the Nadis, or channels of energy.
Where there is a deficiency of Prana, of oxygen, or Primal Energy, there is a part of us that suffers, on a psychological as well as on a physiological level.
Harmonising all these parts of our self will lead to live a healthier and truthful life, more fulfilling and meaningful.
The first person that brought together the principles and essence of yoga with “The Yoga Sutras”, probably around 400 CE, is Patanjali, but yoga was already practiced since immemorable time and its discipline was kept in a cloud of secrecy and mystery. Yoga used to be passed by Guru or teacher to their students or yoginis, through word of mouth.

Ultimately, the goal of yoga is the union between the self and the cosmic consciousness or Samadhi.
The 8 limbs of Yoga of Patanjali are guidelines to be used in everyday life in order to achieve Samadhi, the last spiritual step where the sage reaches a status of pure bliss.
The eight-fold royal path of Ashtanga Yoga are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
The Yamas are sets of 5 codes on how we should act toward the external world:
Ahimsa: Non Violence
Satya: Truthfulness
Asteya: Non Stealing
Brahamacharya: Non Lust, or energy dispersion
Aparigraha: Non possessiviness
2. Niyamas
The Niyamas are a set of 5 codes of conduct toward our self:
Saucha: Cleanliness through asanas and pranayama practices
Santhosha: Feeling of Contentment
Tapa: Discipline
Swadhyaya: The Study of Yoga Texts and also One Self.
Ishwara Pranidhana: Awareness of the Divine
3. Asanas: Yoga Poses
4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises
5. Pratyahara: The Withdrawal of the senses
6. Daharana: Concentration of the mind on an object or image
7. Dhyana: Meditation
8. Samadhi: Ecstasy